Welcome to the NORTH Project
Testing a mobile app for young adult mental health
Are you hearing voices, having confused or paranoid thoughts?
The NORTH mobile app might be able to help. Participate in our study for 3-month app access and get paid $180.
This study is not currently accepting new participants.
The NORTH project is a multi-year initiative supported by the National Institute of Mental Health and conducted by researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle. The goal of the NORTH project is to develop an app that supports young adults with mental health symptoms indicating risk for psychosis. This app is designed to provide immediate mental health support and information to make it easier to connect to in-person mental health services.
We are looking for participants who:
Are between the ages of 18 and 30,
Live in the USA
Use an iPhone,
Hear voices or see things that others don't, have had strange or confusing thoughts that are hard to get out of your head, or have had an episode of psychosis, and
Are not in specialty mental health treatment.
Participants will:
Download and use the NORTH app for 12 weeks.
Respond to a short (2 minute) survey each week.
Complete a set of surveys (30-45 minutes each) about your beliefs about mental health treatment, stigma, and stress levels three times: when you start, at the halfway point (six weeks in), and at the end (12 weeks in).
Receive $180 in Amazon gift cards upon completion of all study procedures.